Saturday, September 22, 2012

Elena Rose long story short.

she's a week away from being 2 months old. My beautiful Elena has grown so much since we brought her home.
My little missy is quite bossy. She knowns exactly what she wants, when she wants it. She just learned how to sleep at night like mommy and daddy. She's also enjoys tummy time and can hold her head up for a couple of seconds. She likes to watch TV and has a love/hate relationship with her binky.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012

Diaper Bassinet

So I saw a photo of a diaper bassinet and it inspired me to recreate it. Malachi and I have been buying size 2 diapers to store up on before EsmeLina arrives so I had the diapers on hand. I added some decorations to give it style and to secure it in place. I cant help it, my creative side really wanted to make it but don't have anybody to give it too. So Ive decided to just use it as a centerpiece at my baby shower. But im willing to make them any style, any color, with anything you want to give an expecting mother for a good fair price.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

KLRU Celebration

Last weekend KLRU held a celebration on their 50 year anniversary. Surprise guests arrived every 30 minutes. I think Malachi and I were more excited about seeing Cookie Monster ride by and I just loved Cat in the Hat. It was our excuse to see the people we grew up with too. We couldn't see everybody we wanted to like Cookie Monster or Arthur but were able to strike a pose with Cat in the Hat and Maya Y Miguel.
Streets were packed and lines were long, and Noah was a little iffy about the big fluffy characters; but ed least will have the memories.
We came across the Willie Nelson Memorial and had to snap shot it. What a great statute.
The day ended with a walk to the park.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Marshmallow Fondant Cake

Picture is not the best but it was late at night and I was exhausted!     

 -Confections Sugar
 -1 Mini marshmallow bag
 -Large bowl
 -Rolling pin

I wanted to try to make a fondant cake because I was interested in making my baby shower cake. I cant help it, I now have an addiction to baking. I was looking for an easy fondant recipe and the marshmallow strategy seemed great.
During my first attempt directions said to add 1/4 tsp of water but that just made my fondant nasty.
I just heated up my marshmallows in the microwave and added confections sugar until it became like dough. Make sure to use crisco EVERYWHERE. Hands, tables, rolling pin, bowl, arms, storage bag.
Then for the cake I went the easy route, although I am interested in learning how to make cake from scratch, I don't have a cool enough blender yet for that.
I just used cake in the box. Choose what you like.
After making your fondant ball, use a rolling pin to roll out your fondant big enough to go around the cake.
Make sure at this point you have crumb coated your cakes. (I froze mine to make it more sculpted.)
Then drape rolled fondant over cake and smooth over.
And smooth, smooth, smooth.
Anybody have questions let me know.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Its A Girl!

Were having a girl a couldn't be anymore excited about it. Its what we wanted; a girl and a boy.
Noah doesn't quite understand he will soon be a big brother. When we tell him, "baby", I think he just thinks were referring to him or thinks, "is that what were calling mommy's tummy now?" I'm a little nervous about how he will act when the baby comes home. He is so used to be spoiled, I don't want him to be heartbroken.
Malachi seems happier than ever that its a girl and says he will be proud to say he has a daughter. Although we both agree that its kind of strange now, knowing that its a girl. Maybe its just because we had a boy first. But I think Malachi is going to be close with his daughter. He doesn't believe he will fall for those beautiful eyes and soft sweet tones. In the back of my head im thinking, haha you don't know what your in for.
Today im officially 5 months. I'm halfway through my pregnancy. Dr. Love said she was measuring four days bigger and im thinking shes going to be a big baby. I still throw up my breakfast maybe 3 or 4 times a week, and now im getting headaches and dizzy spells. My lower back hurts most of the time and im experiencing stretching pain at the very top of my tummy. I'm also experiencing a lot of braxton hicks contractions.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

17 Weeks baby! Eh.

17 Weeks and 2 days into my pregnancy and things have really progressed. Ive started to feel baby kick and jump around. Its so strange, its been so long since Ive experienced it. Morning sickness for some reason has decided to be present this time; I cant even brush my teeth comfortably.
 In 3 weeks I will have my sonogram, hopefully it will be a girl. Reality is setting in about this whole thing and apart of me is freaking out. How am I suppose to nurse an infant all night and be up and energized to take care of my toddler all day.
 Things are going to be so different but I know it will get easier. Hopefully my mother will help me out a bit. Even tho I worry about how the future will be, im looking forward to meeting my new baby and creating more wonderful memories. Oh yeah, how am I suppose to handle sibling jealously? Noah is so spoiled and used to it just being him...

Friday, January 27, 2012

Gender Perdiction Wives Tales

 So now im 12 weeks, still to soon to tell the sex of my baby. Were hoping for a girl this time. I decided to do some old wives tales to determine what it could or couldn't be. I understand these are just for fun...

(NEW) Decided Girl Name: Nelilah Chanel Roldan
Boy Name: Dean Cruz Roldan

Carrying High = Girl/ Carrying low = Boy                 BOY
Heart rate over 140 it a girls below it’s a boy           GIRL
Craving sweets = Girls/ Sour or salty cravings = Boy   BOY
Chinese Birth Chart =                                              GIRL
The Even and Odd game. Count mother's age at conception and the year of conception. If both are even or odd, it's a girl. If one's even and one's odd, it's a boy. =  BOY
Break outs = Girl/ Clear skin= Boy                          GIRL
The ring test. Hang it over your belly. If it swings in a circle, a little guy's in your future. If it goes back and forth, you've got a girl. =                          GIRL
Morning sickness = Girl/ No morning sickness = Boy     BOY