Thursday, March 1, 2012

17 Weeks baby! Eh.

17 Weeks and 2 days into my pregnancy and things have really progressed. Ive started to feel baby kick and jump around. Its so strange, its been so long since Ive experienced it. Morning sickness for some reason has decided to be present this time; I cant even brush my teeth comfortably.
 In 3 weeks I will have my sonogram, hopefully it will be a girl. Reality is setting in about this whole thing and apart of me is freaking out. How am I suppose to nurse an infant all night and be up and energized to take care of my toddler all day.
 Things are going to be so different but I know it will get easier. Hopefully my mother will help me out a bit. Even tho I worry about how the future will be, im looking forward to meeting my new baby and creating more wonderful memories. Oh yeah, how am I suppose to handle sibling jealously? Noah is so spoiled and used to it just being him...

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