Thursday, April 21, 2011

     Today I found out that not only could I not take the math portion of the compass test, but that I have to pay the $29 dollars every time I take it. I would of had it waiverd if I were in Elementry Math tho which I think is retarted because math is math. Im stressing out like crazy. Professor Leche want's our research paper rough drafts this Tuesday and im behind in math, on top of that I need to find some time to study for my last psychology test and my finals for evey subject. But I know that it's something I just have to do. Using that mentality got me through Crockett and hopefully through college. Although Noah does not make studying very easy for me, I think he appreciates me reading my textbooks to him. I also figured out what classes I will be taking for summer. Introduction to public speaking (online) and Essentials of Medical Terminology. Also I won't be at the Riverside campus. I'm going to have to go to the Eastview campus.
     On another note, Malachi got his glasses today. Im happy for him, except I still have to hot glue the left arm of my glasses to my frames, but thats ok. Unfortunatly he discovered his Xbox is broken. But he gets paid tommorow and decided he was going to buy himself the new Xbox Kinect. Today we stopped by Austin Pets Alive and I got to see Dusk. Tommorow were going to pre-adopt him but we can't take him home. Sadly he is in the ringworms ward recovering.
     Tommorow will be an interesting day.

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